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Client Testimonials
  • "I have known Ms. Orr for over a decade and she is an excellent criminal defense attorney with high ethical standards." by Peer Attorney Read More
  • "I'm very impressed how Mrs. Orr handled everything, she is very professional and I recommend Mrs. Orr if your in need an attorney for a white collar case!!!" by Anonymous Former Client Read More
  • "The best of the best above all the rest. Accept no substitutes." by Richard R. Read More
  • "I was so fortunate and privileged to have Mr. Goldstein in my corner. You will find none better." by Stephen Read More
  • "GGH has no equal in Texas or elsewhere. Cynthia Orr and Gerry Goldstein don't just defend their clients, they make law. I've watched them over the years take impossible cases and win." by Debra I. Read More

What are the most commonly charged white collar crimes?

White collar crime refers to a wide range of nonviolent, financially motivated criminal activities that are typically charged against  individuals or organizations for conduct in the course of their businesses or individual professional activities. A few of the most common types of white collar crimes include:

  1. Embezzlement: This crime occurs when an individual or organization allegedly misappropriates funds or assets that have been entrusted to them. This can include taking money from a company or stealing property or investments.
  2. Insider trading/Securities Fraud: This is when an individual uses privileged inside information to make trades on the stock market. This can include buying or selling stocks based on non-public information about a company.
  3. Fraud: This is a broad category that encompasses many different types of deception or misrepresentation, such as Ponzi schemes, credit card fraud, identity theft, government contract bid rigging, health care kickbacks, health care unauthorized billing or upcoding, and many other forms of financial fraud.
  4. Bribery: This refers to the act of giving or receiving something of value in exchange for an illegal act or influence. This can include paying someone to overlook a violation of the law or pay off a government official for a vote, inside information,  or decision to win a contract.
  5. Money Laundering: This is the process of making illegally-gained proceeds (i.e. “dirty money”) appear legal (i.e. “clean”). This is usually done by moving the money through a series of financial transactions designed to conceal the true origin of the funds.  But it can also occur through investments, operation of businesses, currency exchange  and remitter transactions, and the use of business structures to hide illegal proceeds.
  6. Cybercrime: This is a relatively new form of white collar crime that involves the use of technology and the internet to commit financial crimes. This can include hacking, identity theft, and various forms of online fraud.
  7. Tax evasion: This is the illegal non-payment or underpayment of taxes by individuals or businesses. This can include failing to report all income, claiming false deductions, or failing to pay taxes owed.

White collar crime can have significant consequences for individuals, organizations, and society as a whole. They can damage reputations, ruin businesses and cost victims a lot of money. It is important to understand that, despite being non-violent crimes, they can still be punished with severe penalties, including large fines, civil and even criminal charges.  In particular, the Federal Sentencing Guidelines for financial white collar crimes have been roundly criticized for assessing penalties based on monetary amounts only instead based upon culpability for criminal intent or direct responsibility for actual losses instead of intended or threatened losses in a case. 

As a result, it is important to take any white collar crime accusation seriously, and consulting with an experienced white collar crime defense lawyer can be helpful in understanding your rights, knowing the developing law, and seeking the best potential outcomes, as well as develop  good defense strategies.


Texas White Collar Crime Defense Attorney

goldstein hilley san antonio white collar crime lawyers

If you or a loved one has been arrested for a white collar crime in Texas, it is essential that you seek the help of experienced legal representation as soon as possible. The consequences of a white collar crime conviction can be severe and long-lasting, and you need a skilled and dedicated defense lawyer to protect your rights and defend your interests.

Goldstein & Orr’s white collar crime defense lawyers have the knowledge, experience, and resources to provide you with the legal assistance you need to navigate the complex legal system and achieve the best possible outcome for your case. Our team of attorneys will work tirelessly to investigate the facts of your case, evaluate the evidence against you, and build a strong defense strategy that will help you achieve the best possible outcome.

Don’t risk your freedom and your future by trying to handle your white collar crime case alone or entrusting it to business advisors or acquaintances. Contact Goldstein & Orr’s white collar crime defense attorneys today and schedule a consultation to discuss your inquiry, subpoena, or case. We understand that being accused, your business searched,  or yourself or business colleagues arrested for a white collar crime can be a stressful, overwhelming and confusing experience. Goldstein & Orr  will provide you with the guidance and support you need to navigate the legal process and defend your rights.

Don’t hesitate to call now on: (210) 226-1463, our team of attorneys will provide a free and confidential consultation. Trust the team of legal professionals at Goldstein & Orr to fight for your rights and defend your interests. Act now and call today.

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